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Client Announcements

Clean Invest Africa Plc : First Day of Dealings on NEX

  •   14 November 2017

14 November 2017 


(???CIA??? or the ???Company???)

Admission to the NEX Exchange Growth Market

Clean Invest Africa Plc, an Investment Vehicle for the purpose of identifying investment opportunities and acquisitions in renewable and clean energy projects/companies or alternative technologies that are used in a socially and environmentally responsible way that will aid the development of the African continent, with the intention of building a diversified portfolio of assets, is pleased to announce that trading in its Ordinary Shares will commence at 8:00 a.m. today on the NEX Exchange Growth Market (???Admission???), under the ticker CIA and ISIN number GB00BF52QX07.

On Admission, the Company will have net funds of ??512,440 and there will be 156,100,000 Ordinary Shares in issue, which rank pari passu in all respects.


The Company???s primary strategy is to acquire interests in and to own, assist and manage clean energy companies and projects, including renewable energy projects and projects that create environmental benefits through greenhouse gas emission reductions. Renewable energy can generally be defined as energy (such as electricity, transportation fuels, sources of process heat, etc.) derived from resources that are regenerative or for practical purposes cannot be depleted. Renewable energy technologies may be broadly divided into two categories: (1) production of electricity, from sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, biomass, or municipal wastes; and (2) production of transportation fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel. Renewable energy is generally considered to involve relatively less environmental impact than traditional sources of energy. The combustion of renewable fuels typically results in a reduction of greenhouse gases (CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride) produced per unit of energy when compared with traditional sources of energy.

Market capitalisation at 1p is ??1,561,000

Samuel Preece, Executive Director of CIA, said: ???The renewable and clean energy requirements in African countries present CIA with an economic opportunity. Increases in the price of fossil fuels have led to a significant improvement in the cost competitiveness of renewable energy versus traditional, non-renewable, sources. We are actively seeking investment opportunities and are pleased to be investing in a space where renewable energy resources may greatly reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.???

Details of Directors

The full names of the Directors of the Company and positions are as follows:

Samuel Toby Preece, Executive Director (aged 41)

Samuel has over 20 years of environmental consulting experience, having completed over 1,500 projects in Europe, Asia, Australia, Middle East, Canada, USA and South America as well as across Africa.

Samuel has overseen the technical evaluation and permitting of alternative energy projects across the UK, Ireland, Europe and Africa. These projects include a wide range of energy technologies including on and offshore wind, solar, tidal, hydroelectric, geothermal, ground source heat pumps, pumped storage, waste to energy, anaerobic biodigestion, and gas to power, in a number of  applications.

Samuel spent five years as an in-house technical specialist at an international construction contractor, Laing O???Rourke, working on projects in the technology and energy sectors.

Samuel was previously a director responsible for the UK and Ireland???s environment business line of AECOM, a business that had revenues of approximately US$17.4 billion in the fiscal year to 2016. In this role at AECOM, Sam advised national and multinational clients on the technical feasibility and licencing and permitting of their energy, technology and land asset projects. These projects include energy projects across Africa.

Samuel has access to a network of environmental and energy technical experts located across Africa with local knowledge and technical expertise and currently supports investors and companies looking to grow and seek investment in business and projects in Africa. These currently include renewable energy, green technology projects in southern and sub-Saharan Africa. Sam also advises on Environmental, Social and Governance risks and opportunities for investors, companies and financial institutions including in the energy sector.

Andrew Paul Matharu, Independent Non-Executive Director (aged 48)

Andrew has over 22 years' experience in the oil & gas sector and commenced his career as a Petroleum Engineer with Chevron and Kerr-McGee Oil. Andrew has extensive experience of advising small and mid-cap oil & gas companies in equity capital markets following a variety of corporate finance and institutional equity roles at Cazenove, Bridgewell Securities and Westhouse Securities. His most recent role was in Corporate Development with the Africa-focussed AIM-listed explorer, Tower Resources plc, where he was involved in a number of corporate and asset M&A transactions and capital raisings.

Andrew holds a BEng degree in Chemical Engineering from University of Sheffield, a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cambridge and is a Chartered Engineer.

Noel Lyons, Non-Executive Director (aged 52)

Noel started his career in the accounting profession and progressed from there to management and director level within various organisations. He has worked for such companies as Amoco/BP, Coca Cola, Kentz Corporation Plc and Oilinvest International, and has worked in diverse locations such as Africa and The Middle East.

Noel has been involved in several listings on AIM and the NEX Exchange Growth Market in both a management and advisory capacity, including as co-founder and, initially, as a non-executive director of Karoo Energy plc. Noel has an MBA and masters in Accounting and Finance.

Directors??? Interests

On Admission the interests of the Directors and their immediate families and, so far as they are aware having made due and careful enquiries, of persons connected with them (all of which are beneficial, unless otherwise stated) (so far as is known to the Directors, or could with reasonable diligence be ascertained by them) (within the meaning of sections 252 to 254 of the UK Companies Act 2006) in the Issued Share Capital are as follows:

Director Number of Ordinary Shares on Admission % of Issued Share Capital
Samuel Preece 1,200,000 0.77
Andrew Matharu 1,200,000 0.77
Noel Lyons 9,800,000 6.28


Significant Shareholders

In addition to the Directors holdings disclosed above, the Company has been notified or is aware of the following holdings which will, following Admission, represent more than 3 per cent. of the Issued Share Capital or voting rights of the Company:

Name Number of Ordinary Shares on Admission % of Issued Share Capital
Ren?? Carayol 9,800,000 6.28
Jim Nominees 132,500,000 84.88


The Directors of the Company are responsible for the content of this announcement.

For further information, please contact:

The Company    
Sam Preece + 44 (0) 20 3130 0674
NEX Exchange Corporate Adviser
Peterhouse Corporate Finance Limited
Guy Miller/Mark Anwyl +44 (0) 20 7469 0936  